Here’s the Delicious Way Eating Various Fruits Can Improve Your Health and Impact Longevity
Deemed by Harvard University as two of its largest and longest-running cohort studies, the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study have examined the dietary and health habits of more than 100,000 people for years. A new research report...
Need Help Adding Vegetables to Your Life? Try These Tips
You’ve likely heard that vegetables are good for you, but why are these nutrient-dense goodies so important? We noted in a previous post that about 90 percent of Americans aren’t meeting recommendations for vegetable consumption. (The post is also an eye-opening...
Whether You’re an Expert or Novice Cook, Spice Up Your Meals with These Tasty Tips
If your response is “I need a recipe to boil water” when people ask if you can cook, you’re not alone. Cooking can seem intimidating to many people. However, there’s good news: you don’t need your own cooking show to unleash your inner Julia Child. We’re here to prove...
Save Time, Money, and Excess Calories by Following These Tips for Weekly Meal Planning and Eating Out
Has all this time sequestered at home from COVID-19 impacted our weight? A recent study published in the journal Obesity surveyed nearly 8,000 adults worldwide on weight indicators and stress levels before and during the pandemic. More than a quarter of participants...
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