Our Work

The following materials were produced by Nutrition In Demand – many in collaboration with our clients and partners. While these materials target various groups including health professionals, policymakers, retailers, manufacturers, community organizations, and consumers, we take great care to tailor them to be audience-specific and true to federal health and nutrition policy, dietary guidance, and authoritative consensus science.

Generating Reports on a Laptop

Policy Reports

We leverage our first-hand experiences with federal food and nutrition policies and programs to inform these reports.

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Hispanic family eating a meal and laughing

Resources for Consumer Audiences

Culturally-relevant materials based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans designed for Hispanic Americans.

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Health Professional With Client

Resources for Health Professionals

Sometimes it’s nice to take a look under the hood. Here you will find health professional companion pieces that outline the science and process used to inform the development of consumer resources. 

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Resources for Industry

We helped create toolkits for retailers, manufacturers, health organizations, and community collaborators to support raising awareness of the benefits of frequent family meals. 

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Let's talk about how we can work together!

Strategic nutrition support, based in the Washington, DC metro area.